samedi 28 mai 2016

Pas Frégate, mais custom : Vedette Elowdie (10)

Un dernier post sur la Ford Vedette Elowdie, avec des photos récentes, une nouvelle robe et une nouvelle calandre :

Et enfin, une photo de la calandre d'origine mise en vente sur le coin-coin :

dimanche 22 mai 2016

Autre frégate custom (22) : frégate lowrange (30)

63 000 visites !!!

Petit entremêlement de pinceaux entre ce post et le précédent sur Lowrange :
l'ordre c'est bien 29, 30 ,31 et pas 29, 31, 30...., sorry Ratatouille :-(

La frégate Lowrange de Ratatouille, qui comme c'est écrit, attend sa lunette arrière :

Rentrera, rentrera pas ?

Le motif de volant :

l'emplacement de l'autoradio :

A suivre...

mardi 17 mai 2016

dimanche 8 mai 2016

pub! (4)

Un peu en avance pour les 62000 visites, mais c'est l'heure de la pub !

Et c'est toujours la frégate 56 qui s'y colle (avec sa découpe de couleurs au niveau du toit et de ses montants arrières).
Au passage, jeter un œil au beau baguettage d'aile arrière : il s'accorde très bien avec le robri.

vendredi 6 mai 2016

article technique Custom Rodder : fabriquer son parechoc (6)

Both dies are mounted into the Piccolo, and you can see what shape they will create. Note the tab at the back of the die-this is a stop guide for the edge of the metal that will be fed through the dies.

You can get the curve of a bumper (how it fits around the back half of a body) two ways. The hard way is to cut a straight piece of metal, then stretch it so it gets the right curve. The easy way is to cut the section with the curve already in it, then just form the edge. Using the second method, Marc and Marcel then fed the curved section through the dies.

What you get is a slightly curved center section (which follows the car body) with a lip formed over one edge. Two of these center section pieces are made-one for the top, one for the bottom.

Again using the old bumper as a form, the two sections are clamped in place before Marc begins to tack them together. Marcel keeps an eye on the sections so they fit together perfectly.

Source :

mercredi 4 mai 2016

article technique Custom Rodder : fabriquer son parechoc (5)

A paper template is again used to show the shape needed for the bumper's center section.

Using a plasma cutter, Marc follows the template shape to make a forming die out of 3/4-inch steel plate.

This is what the roughed-out forming die looks like.

After smoothing the dies with a grinder and double-checking their shape against the template, Marc checks the fit between the top and bottom dies.

Source :

mardi 3 mai 2016

article technique Custom Rodder : fabriquer son parechoc (4)

The top and bottom sections look like this after the seam is welded.

Marcel then grinds the welds to create a peak that runs the length of the bumper.

Once the center section and corners are made, they get clamped together over the old bumper. All sections are intentionally made a little too long or too wide, so Marc uses a scribe to show where cuts need to be made to fit the pieces together.

Marc trims the excess metal off each piece using hand shears.

Source :